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On February 9, 2020, there was a huge Vajra pestle of 420 pounds inside the Hall of Shakyamuni Buddha at the Holy Miracles Temple. That was the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle that was placed on the Golden Step during a Dharma Assembly held two days earlier by Holy Gurus. Other than Tremendously Great Holy Gurus, no one in this world has ever been able to lift it one bit. Since the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle was already placed onto the Golden Step, the Exam of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform could not be conducted. This was because according to the Dharma rules, when this Pestle is on the Golden Step, the Vajra Hook cannot be used to lift any pestle. Otherwise, the rules would be violated. Everyone was very worried and all those who have good physical strength came forward, but no one was able to lift that pestle off the Holy Seat with one hand.
In order that the public truly understands World Buddhism Association Headquarters and H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, World Buddhism Association Headquarters specially states the following:We at World Buddhism Association Headquarters will assume all legal liability for the veracity of this statement.H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the supreme world leader of Buddhism. Such a status is not self-investiture! The status of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III as a Buddha did not result merely from Buddhists calling Him that out of respect.
In order that the public truly understands World Buddhism Association Headquarters and H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, World Buddhism Association Headquarters specially states the following: 1. We at World Buddhism Association Headquarters will assume all legal liability for the veracity of this statement; 2. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is a true Buddha who has been recognized as such by leaders, regent dharma kings, and rinpoches of various Buddhist sects all over the world in accordance with the more than 1,000-year-old Buddhist recognition system.
...We at the Headquarters have decided, after discussion, to make Buddhist dharma attires bearing the holiness levels for the holy gurus to wear. This action is to protect the Buddhist cultivators’ benefit, to prevent ordinary liars and evil masters from cheating, to prevent Buddhists from being harmed by regressed masters and fake holy gurus, and to prevent many liars from forging holiness level certificates and pretending to be holy. That is, we will put the star-wheel dharma attires that indicate the holiness levels on the monastic cassocks and rinpoche’s robes...
The Buddhist Dharma attire of levels clearly shows the holiness level on the clothes worn by the holy gurus. Blue buttons indicate the Sumita Wheel, and gold buttons indicate the Sun-moon Wheel. One button indicates one level. The levels are star wheels. For example, one blue button means Blue Button Level 1, which equals the One-Star Sumita Wheel. Two blue buttons are Blue Button Level 2, which equals the Two-Star Sumita Wheel. Three blue buttons are Blue Button Level 3, which equals the Three-Star Sumita Wheel...
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